Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Using Developmental Milestones

Please keep in mind that all children develop differently! On the "pages" tabs you will find some basic milestones of typical development in the four areas of development I have posted (language, emotional, social, and cognitive). Typical development is a starting place to look at. Simply because your child does not met one of the milestones in their age range does not mean they are behind in their development. You may see that they are ahead in some areas and behind in others. This is normal. However, if your child is behind in many areas you may want to raise your concerns with your pediatrician. In my experience as an early childhood educator, a child who is behind the typical developmental range often has a simple medical condition, such as a hearing or vision issue that needs to be corrected. Once corrected the child is able to hit milestones in a "typical" manner. This is, of course, not always the case. However, the sooner you have all the information about your child the sooner you can have an action plan that will allow your child to develop in the way that is best fit for them. Child development is not a one size fits all! Check in often for more information on how to use the basic milestones in each section to better understand your child's development. This will include ideas for ways of playing with your child - activities, if you will -  that will encourage various areas of development.

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