If I give it to you and change my mind later,
If I can take it away from you,
If it's mine it will never belong to anybody else,
No matter what.
If we are building something together,
All the pieces are mine!
If it looks just like mine,
Toddlers are VERY egocentric beings; they do not have the capacity to understand another's perspective (i.e. that someone else might want that toy). To help with this specific problem look at the post about EMPATHY. Taking the time to talk with you toddler about other's needs/wants goes along way!
Being egocentric trickles into other behavior problems that are typically associated with toddlers, such as temper tantrums and refusing to do as you ask. This is because part of being an egocentric toddler is learning that you have control over your environment. That's right folks, it is actually - developmentally speaking - your toddler's job to behave in those less than desirable ways! Here are some simple ways to ease your life and your toddlers:
- Be consistent -
- If you say no, you have to ALWAYS mean no.
- Also, be consistent in how you enforce requests.
- Offer a choice -
- Make sure you are okay with either option
- This gives your child a sense of control without you losing it!
- Try not to interrupt your child's play -
- If you have to, give a warning first
- Wait a few moments before you repeat a request
- Remind your child of your expectations BEFORE -
- "We are going into the store. We are only buying what is on the list. I expect for you to use an inside voice while you help me find these items."
- Give your child a job or task
- This creates a sense of accomplishment and a sense of belonging
- See above example
- Expect less self-control during stressful times
- Close to nap, meals, going to the doctor, moving, etc.
Why does this remind me of foriegn policy?